Behind The Stevie Collection
This collection has been rolling round my head since 2017. Sometimes gently, sometimes a little violently. Some parts of it made it down on paper in different forms, but always, I avoided it. I avoided it because I was terrified it wouldn’t come out like the beauty my imagination had created. But here we are, almost 4 years later, and my fear has evolved into wonder. Wonder at what I was able to create when I put on my Big Girl Brave Pants and took action.
It began when I saw Fleetwood Mac for the first time. I arrived at Rod Laver exhausted from work, hoping I’d stay awake and not be shit company for Mum. I left the arena knowing my life had changed and would take a dramatically different path. The immediate decision was to leave the job I was in at the time. What was once ‘the most incredible opportunity’ and ‘right where I was meant to be’ had taken it’s course, and evolved to me feeling strangled and unsupported by the management team, stale and ashamed of my own performance.

I had tingles running up and down my arms, and felt a bravery and boldness I hadn’t known for a long time. I walked away having made some big decisions, and set them into action.
Fast forward to the next time I saw them, 4th Sept 2019. I was not in the position of needing epic changes in my life, and wondered what that concert would bring for me. Alex Tempany Jewelry was 6 months old and I was like a pig in shit – I had my dream job, it was building faster than I could have imagined and I was on cloud 9.
Watching Stevie on the stage – she dances like no one is watching. It’s like she isn’t there for the fame or accolades – she’s there as part of a team, creating magic together like only they know how.I designed the beginnings of this collection whilst at that concert – frantically typing notes in my phone and when I got home, the designs onto paper.

The collection that has evolved from that very first night, 1,148 days ago is a collection that is both beautiful and unapologetic. It represents the bravery I found in 2017. The notion of persistence. Of the shit you have to go through to get to the magic.
The aesthetic is raw glamour. On your body, it will be admired, whilst working as the armour you need to remind you of your bravery.
The first edition of the collection is 4 rings, dropping on 26th July 2021. These are being crafted in small runs only – only 3 of each design will ever be created. And, just like those pivotal moments in your life that change your future - once they’re gone, they’re gone forever, leaving the path clear for what’s to come next.